Friday, November 8, 2019

Document Shows White House Changed Incriminating Words on Trump-Zelensky “Transcript”

In notes taken contemporaneously by Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman, the President of Ukraine specifically mentioned the energy company Burisma in response to President Trump’s insistence that an investigation take place.

This line, as well as the previous sentence in the phone call, was edited out of the memorandum that the White House released to the public over a month ago.  Mr. Trump has repeatedly insisted that the memorandum was a “word for word” transcript. We now know that to be a lie.

In Lt. Col. Vindman’s deposition, he told Congress that he had taken notes of the conversation between the two Presidents in July.  Vindman explains that the White House edited the memorandum to remove specific mentions of Burisma.

“It’s not just the recollection,” the Lieutenant Colonel told the House, “I took notes from the call... They’re in my highly classified notebook.”

When asked to read what his notes said, Vindman stated that the President said, “There are recordings of Biden” discussing a prosecutor.  This entire comment was instead changed to an ellipsis by the White House.

In response, President Zelensky said, his prosecutor would “look into the situation specifically to Burisma that you mentioned.” The White House changed Zelensky’s words from “Burisma” to “the company.”

Here is a screenshot of the specific exchange in the transcript the House released today:


  1. The smoking gun, many thanks to Agent Orange.

  2. Are presidential candidates above the law now? Biden threatened to withhold aid money to Ukraine while Vice President if they didn’t stop investigating his son. There *are* recordings of him bragging about doing this, which is a blatant abuse of power. Trump did nothing wrong in this transcript; in fact Biden should indeed be investigated.

    1. This is false and has been debunked and explained so many times this past month. You need to find new talking points.

    2. This is what happens when you only watch Fox news. (Like Trump)

    3. Burisma was being investigated for actions that happened years before Hunter Biden was involved with the corporation. The prosecutor that was investigating that situation was utterly corrupt and was deposed because of that under pressure from the US and all of the EU. Please learn some actual facts before repeating the same BS you heard on Fox or other hard right news outlets.

      Either way it seems you support the President withholding aid authorized by Congress that he had no control over to have foreign governments manufacture dirt on his political opponents. You might as well use toilet paper with the Constitution printed on it considering how much you hate the US being lawfully run. Sic Semper Tyrannis.

    4. You're either lying or you're information is wrong. Obama sent Biden to Ukraine to discuss corruption before they have over the aid WAY BEFORE his son worked there. Stop watching and listening to right wing news.

    5. Liars become hypocrites become traitors; and all three end up in Hell. Your turn will come, Kory Mac.

    6. Yikes. Another boomer watching fox news. Your generation has past. Let it go old man.

    7. seeing this comment
      >Burisma was already being investigated long before Hunter Biden worked there

      is missing the point entirely. that's literally the scandal:

      >Burisma under investigation
      >Hire son of VP
      >Burisma no longer investigation
      >Joe Biden on tape bragging about it

      Also: Hunter Biden never "worked" there. That's also the point. He took a phony sham spot on a board. Also part of the "debunking" I guess you overlooked.

      You can keep trying to deny there's legs to Hunter Biden profiting from other nations (there's plenty of evidence) but if you keep saying "lOl bUrIsMa wAs iNvEsTiGaTeD bEfOrE hIrInG bIdEn" is really only demonstrating you either don't understand the situation, or are being intellectually dishonest.

    8. @Anonymous, explain the following: 1. Why does being investigated before Biden was involved invalidate anything? In fact, it seems to imply that they hired him for the very reason that they were being investigated; they knew that daddy would then step in. Which he did. If you've an alternate explanation for why they paid a-know-nothing, do-nothing, coke head with a dishonorable discharge from the Navy was paid 5 figures a month, I'd love to hear it. Otherwise look up Occam's razor.2. Viktor Shokin being corrupt is an MSNBC talking point. I've seen only accusations, not even examples, let alone proof of corruption. 3. Even if VS was corrupt, Joe Biden still engaged in a quid pro quo agreement, withholding money in exchange for the prosecutor's dismissal. How is it that when Bidden uses quid pro quo to (again, in the world of make believe here) fight corruption (lol) it's ok, but when Trump does it, it's an impeachable offense? Oh, it's because it was a political opponent? Well then why was it ok for Dems to weaponize the most powerful intelligence apparatus against their political opponent? Especially when in the case of Biden's corruption the investigation began with facts (clearly nepotism, quid pro quo), and the Russian Collusion Hoax (which I'm sure you're not adult enough to admit you were duped by) began with a forgery, the Steele Dossier?

    9. When was Biden president? Never you say? You right whingers are pathetic liars and gullible idiots.

    10. So investigate Biden. Honestly, if Biden is guilty of something nail him to the wall. It doesnt make Trump any less guilty.

    11. Biden's actions to pressure Ukraine to take on corruption were not only sanctioned by the Obama admin state dept, they were also considered necessary by our NATO allies who knew Ukraine's govt had corrupt actors who would favor Russia and Putin. Biden was the negotiator on behalf of US interest and our allies. Spinning that into being comparable to Trump's actions is complete bullshit.

      And if you think Trump was seeking to crack down on corruption with his actions, that's also wrong. The Pentagon as of May certified that Ukraine has taken the necessary steps to prevent corruption, they then cleared the way for the $400mil to be sent, and then Trump prevented that.

    12. Trump, probably the most corrupt president in U.S. history, asking a foreign power to investigate a political opponent over "corruption", not because of an election ... yeah, that sounds totally legit.

    13. Hunter Biden is accused of doing what Trump has openly done for 3 years (just look at how much business has done to his kid's pockets). Standard Republican drivel. What our guys are doing in broad daylight is forgiven because of what we falsely claim your guy may possibly be doing but we can't prove, just trust us it's bad.

  3. Kori Mac drinking hard from that Trump kool aid

    1. Umm, excuse me. Actually it was FlavorAid that they drank at Jonestown.

    2. Face down a$s up in the barrel.

    3. Except Kory is correct... wake up and just do some research. The reason the media hates Trump so much is because he knows all the backdoor shady shit these companies do. He also sees it tear apart the fabrics of America. If you can find one thing common to stand on how are we ever going to make the world better?

  4. This isn’t about a candidate. This is about a current president. And if you say Biden did something wrong, the same thing Trump did, then it’s not okay for one and a crime for the other.
    Stating that, “Trump did nothing wrong in this transcript” is exactly what leaving out incriminating evidence is meant to do. Maybe take a look at the whole picture?

  5. Bruh, you ever did shrooms bruh?

    Like frfr bruh.

    Multiracial excellence is the next level

    Hit up r shrooms

    Y'all know whatsup

    For real do

  6. If nothing wrong was said, then just release the recording of the call. “If it was such a perfect call”

  7. This whole thing is Fake News... and ive still haven't seen one explanation as to why Hunter Biden was working there, i mean the guy himself doesn't even know why he was there.

    1. Does it matter? For the sake of the argument, let's say both Biden's are guilty as shit. That doesnt mean Trump can withhold aid unless Ukraine investigates. That's not how this works.

    2. I think this is the point a lot of trump supporters seem to overlook. Even pretending hypothetically that the Bidens are guilty if corruption, why would the POTUS hold out on aid for dirt on private citizens? Private citizens that just happen to be political rivals....

  8. Who cares? The United States Circus is doing what it does best: Entertain weak-minded adults. The citizenry of this sovereign empire has declared long ago what matters to us. Advertisers, corporations, media, and any other form of cultural output is reflecting who and what we are.

    Unless we see the absurdity for what it is, we're simply a product in it. Buy, sell, buy, die.

  9. America withholds aid all the time to get what it wants. I see nothing wrong with a quid pro quo situation as long as it was made in good faith. We just sat through two years of investigations about Russian collision which was bogus, all the while we were told if Trump has nothing to hide then why be afraid of investigation? Why are the Democrats afraid of investigations? When this falls apart they'll try to impeach because his steak company sucked. If a Democrat ever gets the presidency again the Republicans will do the same thing. This is the life we chose

    1. The Russia investigation had everything except for the quid pro quo. 35 indictments is not bogus. The president is a criminal and the Ukraine investigation only further cements that he did the same with Russia to attack a political opponent. The president is a criminal dude. I can guarantee the history books will not talk of the heroic Donald's fight against the deep state and fake news.

  10. Our entire system was taken over by Corporate America and the Military/Industrial Complex beginning in the 1960s(November 22nd, 1963 to be precise)but right now what I'm most concerned with is the nutcase in the White House who is so erratic and impulsive that it scares the hell out of his own staff. I don't want to risk him being re-elected to a second term. Let alone the thought of what he may try to do if the Senate actually votes to convict him and remove him from office. I'm convinced that he intends to convert the US into a single party dictatorship if he gets half a chance.
